UofA HORT 6033 - Molecular Plant Breeding |
Fall 2022 Class Link |
Instructor: Dr. Ainong Shi Teaching and Lab Assistant: Dr. Gehendra Bhattarai (gb005@email.uark.edu), Dr. Haizheng Xiong (hxx007@email.uark.edu), and Dr. Anuj Kumar (axk018@uark.edu). Guest Speaker: Dr. Waltram Ravelombola (waltram.ravelombola@ag.tamu.edu), Yheni Dwiningsih (ydwining@uark.edu), and Dr. Peter James Gann (pjicalia@uark.edu) |
I. COURSE DESCRIPTION: HORT6033 Molecular Plant Breeding: An in-depth study of genetic improvement and techniques in plant molecular breeding. The course will cover lecture, research project, and computer tools. The research project will be required as a class assignment. Topics to be discussed include molecular marker discovery and identification, genetic diversity and population structure analysis, linkage and QTL mapping, genome-wide association study (GWAS), marker-assisted selection (MAS), genomic prediction and selection (GP and GS), and related bioinformatics. II. TOPICS SCHEDULE OF THE CLASS ![]() III. PROJECT Each student will work on one project alone or as a member of a team. The project will include genetic diversity and population structure analysis, GWAS, and GP. The data will be provided in the class from real experiments. Our TA/RA will help each student to work on the project from proposal writing, data analysis, and manuscript writing. IV. WORKSHOP There are four workshops: (1) genetic diversity, (2) GWAS, (3) GP, and (4) Omics. Guest speakers will give their lectures on GWAS and GP. Our lab members will also give talks. Welcome anyone joining in for providing a lecture, for chatting, and for learning! We will invite more guest speakers to talk in the workshops. |